
What do you suggest I do to celebrate my good hair day?

get yourself a nice bl ow jobWhat do you suggest I do to celebrate my good hair day?
Show it off on myspaceWhat do you suggest I do to celebrate my good hair day?
Let her run her fingers through it while you feed her strawberries and sip wine.
Give me some money so I can go to the barber and have a good hair day of my own!
Take a picture to remember it.
Stare into the mirror the entire day.

I would if I were you ;-)
have professional pic taken and your driver license too.
let's go swimming!
Listen to Pogue and call me.
Go for a ride in your convertible and show it to the world. love, honey
Stay inside!...cause if you go out...good hair gone!!!!

Have your picture taken, of course...you have to record it for posterity!
a new hair dew
put a little extra powder on your wig and live it up!
After having your passport photo taken, listen to pogue and call nasty.

yeah, I know, but I actually did it one day when about 4 people told me how good I looked.
mess it up
yay~!! me too!! 鈾?take million pics!!
go out a celebrate! go somewhere really public, like wal mart! :P
Go to Wal-Mart and laugh at all the people with bad hair
drink a case of beer.

