
When you say ';God'; - can I assume you mean Leonardo DiCaprio on a good hair day?

F*ck No!When you say ';God'; - can I assume you mean Leonardo DiCaprio on a good hair day?
Do you know that your attempt at humor is disrespectful to our God? Comparing Him to a second rate movie star is sacrilege. When one speaks of God they mean the one and only Matthew McConaghey in his surf trunks, shirtless, board under his arm, tousled hair, etc.

You must pray and ask for redemption! SINNER!When you say ';God'; - can I assume you mean Leonardo DiCaprio on a good hair day?
No, When I say God I mean Elohim, El Elyon, El Shaddai. El Olam, Jehovah, Jehovah-nissi, Jehovah-shalom, Jehovah-tisdkenu, Adonai, Theos ho Pater. When I say Jesus, I am refering to Immanuel, Prince of peace, Anointed one, Son of God, Son of Man, Son of David, The Word, Lamb of God, Christ, Rabbi, Author of Life. Do you understand the difference between these names and Leonardo DiCapro?If not spend some of your time learning the difference.
Nope, I mean Tiny Tim. With his long hair, charming voice and ukulele skills, who could question his divinity??
I'm down for that

Of course not, don't be silly.

I mean Johnny Depp on any day. Preferably on a day when he's shirtless.

Edit: @ Saint Lilith: You're completely right. My mistake. :)

Silly little atheist!!!!!

Do you respect your blood relative, the maggot????
let me think of an adjective to describe this question...

clever? no...

funny? uh-uh...

relevant? absolutely not...

witty? far from it...

still thinking...
Leonardo is gross.
God is in the eye of the beholder.
I was thinking more along the lines of Kevin Costner...minus Waterworld.
you must be twelve, but sure, you can assume all the live long day... But, I don't even know what I mean when I say God.
Why yes, yes you can.

Amber- No, that would be the god of gods.
you can assume what ever you want...doesn't make it right...if you say purple i can assume you mean yellow...
Yes, I loved him in Catch Me If You Can %26amp; I do mean him when I say God.
Depends on how i say it.
no, you can assume I mean the one true God.
Yeahh, what else could i possibly mean?
yea and I mean Johnny Depp their so hot
Does that mean atheists don't believe Leo has good hair days?
works for me =]
no. him any day;)
no , I mean Jesus Chritst.

