
When having a good hair day, do you take pictures of it with your camera phone and sent to all your friends?

if Hawk or PCB answer and say yes, they are lying.When having a good hair day, do you take pictures of it with your camera phone and sent to all your friends?
No never done that before. It would just be depressing on the not so good days to remember myself the way I was :*-(.When having a good hair day, do you take pictures of it with your camera phone and sent to all your friends?
I'm too pre-occupied with how hott you are to think about anything else.
ha.. i always do this..but its always after a few drinks. I get home, look in the mirror and say to myself, ';self, you look fabulous! look at your hair! its perfect!';

the pictures always seem to be chopped off though.
lol yes always do,but i dont send it to anyone lol
honey, we women need to be having a good hair day, a good make up day, a good dress day AND a good ';oh my god did you lose weight?'; day in order to take a picture! (plus we'll probably end up deleting it and not sending it to anyone, coz apparently the camera makes us look fat and ugly)

((man it sucks being a female!))
No, I think sending it to your friends is a bit too much. But I might take a picture and upload it to the various social sites. I just don't think my friends want to be bothered every time I think I look good.
In other words, do I do this everyday? Yes!

Guilty as charged!
I only do that if my pubicals are styling well.
I shaved it all off this morning. Wait! What are we talking about??
Only when i have a good '***' day. My hair is always mediocre. But sometime my asss looks great, I have to let everyone know about it.

