
I'm moving to the hyde/washington park area in chicago and I need to names of some black hair salons?

Black Expressions Hair Salon http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en%26amp;um=1%26amp;i/a>

Located: 3520 Seven Bridges Dr # 210, Woodridge - (630) 854-7699

A Princess Palace http://www.aprincesspalace.com/

Located: 559 High st, Aurora - (630) 844-9655

Afhair the Salon http://www.afhair.com/

Located: (inside Salon Gisele) 619 E Ogden Ave, Naperville - (630) 815-8000I'm moving to the hyde/washington park area in chicago and I need to names of some black hair salons?
Don't be racist - go to Supercuts.

